ALONJÉ HAMILTON is a Freshman at Marietta High School. She is an Honor Roll student and talented athlete that actively participates in cheer and track. She is currently proud of her role as a cheer captain!
Alonjé aspires to attend a Historically Black College & University (HBCU), preferably North Carolina A & T State University and continue running track. AGGIE PRIDE!!! 💛💙💛💙

Alonjé’s vision for making a difference in the world is to become a phenomenal leader in her community. She understands that a positive leader is one who encourages others to do what’s right by exemplifying that through her own actions and decisions. She also pushes others to achieve their goals successfully. Alonjé believes that having a positive attitude/mentality is contagious; it’s a trend that permeates to others within your reach and when others see you lead by example, they’ll start to do so as well. She hopes to bring change to the world and is determined to make a difference by creating more black businesses to create opportunities for other women. We are proud to highlight Alonjé as she develops into the leader and GEM that will positively impact the world! 💕💜💕